We are not afraid to stand up for you

Photo Of The Legal Professionals At Prine Law Group

Get Representation After Your Industrial Or Warehouse Accident

Workers in industrial settings and warehouses are subject to immensely dangerous work settings. The combination of heavy machinery, hazardous materials and lifting, along with long hours standing increase the workplace danger, no question.

When workers are injured in these situations in Georgia, they may not be able to complete their job for significant periods. Fortunately, workers’ compensation benefits exist to provide for workers who are injured in these settings.

If you or someone close to you has been injured in an industrial or warehouse accident, retaining counsel is of immense importance. While it is possible to apply for workers’ compensation alone, the process can be confusing and drawn-out, so a lawyer’s guidance cannot be overrated.

Use Our Experience To Your Advantage

Our attorneys are prepared to bring our comprehensive experience in worker’s rights to help you secure the compensation you need if you or a loved one has been injured due to:

  • Electrical and plumbing
  • Industrial equipment
  • Falling debris
  • Crane, bulldozer, forklift and other vehicle accidents
  • Hazardous material exposure
  • Occupational disease

In the immediate wake of an injury, it is important to let management or a supervisor know. From there, get in touch and schedule an initial consultation. The firm’s approach has helped hundreds of clients secure benefits, and the team is ready to bring it to your case.

Begin Defending Yourself Today

To reach out and schedule an initial consultation to discuss any work injuries related to warehouse or factory accidents with the firm’s industrial and warehouse accidents lawyer, call us in Macon at 478-201-9755 or email the firm.