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Traumatic brain injuries can alter how you handle stress

Your brain is responsible for how you express your emotions. After a TBI, you may struggle with depression, anxiety and feelings of anger.

TBI affects the areas of the brain that control emotion, and the injury makes it difficult for you to cope with your new reality. Managing the behavioral changes after a TBI can help you function better.

Handling stress after a TBI

A traumatic brain injury can change how you think, feel, reason and memorize information. The changes in your cognitive abilities can make stressful situations more overwhelming than they may have been previously.

After a TBI, your life changes quickly. Depending on the amount of help you need to function in your daily life will change how you cope with the stress of your injury. Naturally, the time following an accident is stressful. Unfortunately, TBIs can alter your ability to manage stressful situations without feeling overwhelmed.

Seeking help following a TBI

Do not blame yourself if you feel angry or overwhelmed after your TBI. Burying how you think or acting as though your feelings are a sign of weakness will worsen it. Instead, look for a support system among family and friends. Seek out therapy or psychological help to learn new stress management tools.

Your injuries may make it easier to trigger a stress response. Practice deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to help reduce the stress in your life.

Many people believe that the anger and stress they feel after an accident will disappear with time. While you may feel better over time, you can also worsen without professional help.